My first post is about walking. It might change your life (the walking, that is).

2023 Update: I wrote this post back in 2022 when I was tip-toeing into the idea of writing. I hope you enjoy!

Stress: I love to walk. No matter where I am in life, walking brings me back to myself. There have been long periods where I get lost and forget this. But I always come back to it. Sometimes I run. I used to run a lot more. But my knees are a little older now. Is there a word for walking and running? Do I call it a walk-run? Yes, I actually do. I head out the door saying "Hey guys, I am going for a walk-run...see ya later." For now, I will simplify it to walking since that is the button I push on my Strava and Apple Exercise apps. Once I start, the stress immediately melts off.

Why: When I walk, things happen. Blood flows. My brain turns on. Endorphins kick in. Seriously...its just a walk. It couldn't be any easier. Walking is the whole reason I am writing this first post. I just finished a one hour walk to get my dinner. My husband met me at the taco shop and we ate and drank a beer after...which I earned because I walked to get it. When I am afoot, I make the most of it. I process so many things in my head. My husband calls it the conveyor belt. I tend to overthink (welcome to me), but walking helps me breathe it all in and get organized without distraction.

Routine: I have three pairs of walking shoes but I keep going back to my old New Balance lightweight favorites. They are just so comfortable and it feels like they were made for my high arches, which my husband says are good for running. I put on my white cap, my green camo Lululemon fanny pack (which the teen girls find embarrassing) filled with lip balm, airpods, tiny water bottle, and a credit card. My hair goes into a pony tail, I pee one last time and out the door I go. Side note. I used to have an irritated bladder (I like coffee) and it made me pee more frequently than usual. It was holding me back on my walks so I fixed the problem with acid-free coffee. Walking is that important to me. Back to the story. I click start on my watch and phone apps, and start walking. Sometimes it is out my front door. Sometimes from the gym. But it is always one of my favorite times of day.

Exercise: First things first. Walking is sooooo good for you. Whenever I stop walking for a while, I always start up again due to some health or exercise inspiration. Or because I feel stressed out about something. That is my "go" button. When I get going though, it all changes. I realize how good it feels and how productive it is for so many other reasons. I know I am exercising, but it give me more than that. I look at my watch, track my Apple fitness rings, watch my heart rate (get that cardio going), and look for hills to get the most bang for my buck...or the most calories for my time. I also get a lot of funny looks from others because I wave my arms around like a crazy woman. Imagine me making wing flapping motions with my arms or punching the air in front of me repeatedly. Yep, I am that person. But, I am telling you, it is a fantastic way to keep your arm muscles in shape.

Pay attention, I am starting to make a list here of all the benefits that a simple walk provides.

Listening: I almost always turn on a podcast or audio book. I am a sucker for self-help and personal development books and content. I am still working on how to take good notes about the six hundred life-changing messages I learn in a one or two hour walk. Yes, sometimes I walk two hours or I even break it up into two walks a day. Sometimes I use voice memos and sometimes I just pull out my phone and start typing notes. Although, my poor eyesight and lack of glasses on my walk doesn't support that method very well. I am still looking for the perfect way to capture everything I learn and think about on my walks.

Alone-ness: Sometimes, I find my mind wandering off and not listening anymore. So, I rewind using the 30-seconds-back button a few times until I finally give in and turn off whatever I am listening to. My thoughts are then free and authorized to flow without any podcast distraction. I soak up the pure freedom of alone-ness. To me, this is bliss.

Busy Life: You see, I have a busy life. Most of you wouldn't understand that, right? Yes, two kids and two step-kids (teenagers means double the credit, right?), two dogs, one (amazing) husband, two full time jobs (me and my husband), one mortgage, one beach house rental, three cars....are you rolling your eyes yet? And a deep desire to always improve and simplify it all. Are you with me?

Conveyor Belt: Remember the conveyor belt? I let it loose (there are positive and negative versions, btw). Sometimes, I find my self thinking through a problem, a list of things I need to do, or something I am worrying about. I try hard to make myself work through it. If it is a problem, I think of possible solutions. A list of things to do? I narrow it down to three (since I can't remember anymore than that and I am terrible at in motion note taking). Something I am worrying about? I compartmentalize and rationalize to remove the worry or I put it in a bucket to think about later. I talk about buckets a lot. I have many and they are full of different things as a way to keep fast moving and abundant thoughts organized. Always waiting to empty out and work on or happy to just wait for another time. This is how I keep from getting overwhelmed.

Dreaming: Other times, I relish in how happy I am or ways to get happier. You see, I truly love life and I love my happy life now and every day, despite the challenges. This true happiness is so good that I want to protect and maintain it above all else. Like anyone, I have had some ups and some really big downs. But, I find myself always thinking through how to make it better. I am an unapologetic dreamer and planner. The pot of gold is always at the end of the rainbow and I will find it. The list of dreams, wishes and ideas I come up with on my walks is endless and will likely be the basis for future posts.

Nature: What else do I do on these walks? I breathe in nature. Whenever I can, I find a serene walking path that is lovely to look at. I truly enjoy just looking at trees, birds, flowers, parks, grass. I once heard the term "forest bathing" and how it can soak in and nourish the soul. Walking through my suburban southern California neighborhood may not be a forest, but you get the idea. Enjoy the little things, get away from people and cars, and just let the sunshine soak in.

Commuting: Finally, I get from point A to point B. Lately, I try to use my walks as a means to get to and fro. Why not? I can run errands, walk to pick up my kid, following them home on their bike, or simply to get dinner with my husband.

So, did we just make a list? Did I mention I LOVE lists? More on this in in the future. My top ten list of reasons to walk:

  1. Relieve stress
  2. Burn calories, cardio exercise
  3. Tone arm muscles
  4. Listen and learn from podcasts/audio books
  5. Solve lingering problems and worries
  6. Simplify long task lists
  7. Compartmentalize and organize
  8. Dream and plan
  9. Bathe in nature
  10. Commute and go places

So, I highly recommend that if you can, just go for a walk and see what happens. Find your own style of walking. Make it productive, make it relaxing, make it yours. It may change your life. It changes mine (over and over again).