We make happiness now and don’t wait.
We believe our bodies and wellness are the foundation for everything.
We make our homes a comforting sanctuary and place for respite.
We surround ourselves with inspiration in all shapes and sizes.
We are brave in hardship, don’t hide from pain, and embrace growth.
We aspire to improve our lives, step by step, day by day.
We celebrate little wins, embrace change and learn from failure.
We set boundaries, offer big love and forgive our enemies.
We are intentionally effortless and make life easier and better for others.
We have fun, are funny and we laugh.
We know our superpowers and share them with the world. We don’t settle.
We honor our dreams, fight for them and enjoy the journey.
We observe and savor all the little moments. We notice.
We listen to our gut, seek our purpose and look for something greater.
We masterfully weave it all into our fluid and ever changing life.

We have big dreams.
We believe in freedom.
We walk in baby steps.
We practice happiness.
We are The Happy Makers.