Wellness is the foundation of a vibrant, fulfilling life. According to Dr. Casey Means, over 70% of American adults are either overweight or obese, and nearly 60% are living with at least one chronic disease. Even more alarming, about 50% of adults are on at least one prescription medication for a chronic condition. This epidemic is a clear indication that our approach to food and health needs a drastic overhaul. It all starts with what we put into our bodies and how we care for them. Let’s embrace the abundance of whole, plant-rich foods—fresh fruits and vegetables, high-quality proteins, fatty fish, healthy oils, legumes, and beans. These are the foods that truly nourish us and keep us thriving. Imagine filling your plate with vibrant, seasonal produce and wholesome ingredients that energize your body and delight your senses.

The food industry has flooded our diets with sugar, seed oils, and other additives designed to hook us. It’s time to take control. For years, I believed I was doing the right thing by buying organic and shopping at natural food stores. But I soon realized that many of these products, despite their marketing, were still highly processed. This pushed me to seek out truly whole, unprocessed foods, connecting directly with local farmers and trusted sources.

But wellness isn’t just about food. It’s about taking charge of your health in every aspect. Disease is on the rise, and it’s no coincidence. Big Food, Big Ag, and Big Pharma have created a system where profits often come before people. Our lives are flooded with ultra-processed foods, environmental toxins, and a reliance on medications that treat symptoms instead of addressing the root causes. As parents, we have a responsibility to teach our kids to value their health, but it starts with us taking a closer look at our own habits and the systems we’ve been conditioned to trust.

We’re here to guide you in making those changes—improving your sleep, getting regular exercise, soaking up more sunshine, and reducing screen time are just a few examples. Cooking at home isn’t just about feeding your body—it’s about connecting with your food and your family. Start with fresh, local ingredients, explore new recipes, and enjoy the process. Healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated. Focus on what you get to enjoy: fresh, flavorful foods that make you feel alive.

According to nutritionfact.org founded by Dr. Michael Greger, people who eat four or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day have a 46% lower risk of dying from any cause compared to those who eat fewer serving. Additionally, a study from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that individuals who maintain a healthy lifestyle are 82% less likely to develop chronic diseases, leading to a longer, healthier life.

It’s time to take control and work with your healthcare team to ensure your health is a top priority. Start small, ask the right questions, and be proactive in your care. Laguna Happy is ready to help you embrace a lifestyle that nourishes your health in the most delicious and holistic way. Through personalized coaching, engaging classes, or our cookbook, we’re here to support you every step of the way, offering the tools, knowledge, and encouragement you need to live a life full of vitality and strength. 🤍